The World Is A Mirror: What Is It Telling You?

The things that bother us about other people's behavior often reflect wounds that need to heal within us.  We may also discover the lessons that we need to learn in the advice or feedback that we give to others.  Seemingly random events in our lives can also serve as metaphors for the challenges that we are currently facing.

The things that bother us about other people’s behavior often reflect wounds that need to heal within us.  We may also discover the lessons that we need to learn in the advice or feedback that we give to others.  

Learn how to identify what the world is reflecting back to you so that you can overcome anything that is keeping you stuck.

Take Action Item: 

1)   Identify the relationships or events that cause you anger, frustration, tension or where you feel stagnant.  Reflect to discover the message that you are being given.

2)   Act the way that you want to feel by changing your beliefs and actions to align with your goals.  

Please feel free to email me with questions or feedback at

Wishing you so much peace and love!!