Nobody Owes You Anything and You Are Deserving of Love

Do you often feel angry with your co-workers, friends, family, or partner?  If your answer is yes, this episode is for you. 

I discuss common reasons why we feel angry with the people in our lives and how we can free ourselves from that anger. 

We often search for love outside of ourselves and feel disappointed, hurt, angry, or resentful when it doesn’t work out how we hoped. 

Learn a practice to find love within yourself.

I refer to a previous episode about letting go of valid emotions.  

Take Action Item:

Part 1) Identify the parts of you that you have the most difficulty loving.

Part 2 ) Practice a meditation to connect with the love that you are.  You may also choose to practice Ho’oponopono to forgive yourself or others. 

Please contact me for support or to provide feedback and topic suggestions.

Wishing you much peace and remembrance of the love that you are!