Healing Yourself by Getting Out of Your Head

Our society tends to focus on healing through the power of our thoughts.  Learn how our minds can block our healing.

I review a three-step process of learning to notice sensations and feelings in your energy body, discovering what message they have for you, and clearing them.

You are more powerful than you realize.  You have the power to heal yourself.  I encourage you to use that power and discuss when it may be time to seek assistance in your healing process.

Take Action:

This week, the take action item is following the process that I discuss in the episode. 

EXCITING NEWS:  I will start soul coaching sessions that may or may not include intuitive healing based on your needs in the next couple of weeks.  Feel free to reach out to me at suzanne@loveistheanswer.one for more information.

Join us in the Facebook group to discuss the effects of healing your energy body.

Wishing you much peace and love!!