Defining a Healthy Relationship - Independence - Episode 5

The first episode of a two part series discussing important components of healthy relationships.  This episode reviews our tendencies to conform to others’ attitudes, emotions, and actions and identifies ways to develop greater independence in thought, emotion, and action.

Independence of thought:  Concepts are presented to explain processes that influence our attitudes so that we can learn to be mindful of our perceptions and exercise critical thinking about our own beliefs. 

Independence of emotion:  Features of co-dependent relationships are discussed.  Suggestions about how to provide support without fueling our loved ones negative emotions are provided.

Independence of action:  Types of conformity are reviewed including when it may be serve us to conform and when it may not. 

Take Action:  Practice independence of thought, emotions, or actions.

Independence of thought:  Express an opinion that you might normally keep to yourself in a kind and respectful manner.

Independence of emotion:  Practice being present for a loved one when they are upset without feeding their emotions.

Independence of action:  Break social conventions as an expression of your true self or joyfulness.

I'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions for topics that you'd like to have covered.  Please email me at