Be Here Now

My clients inspired me to create this episode as they are often focused on anything but the present.  I discuss books by Ram Dass and Eckhart Tolle that are great resources to explore being in the present. 

I review how too much time thinking about the past and the future can make us dissatisfied with the present. 

Here is the link to Valerie Harrison's website.  

Everything that I share on this podcast is through the guidance that I receive from Spirit.  While recording this episode, Spirit guided me to share some thoughts about the cleaning out of the collective basement that we are experiencing in the United States right now.

There is a brief mindfulness meditation focused on cultivating gratitude of your experiences in the present moment. 

Take Action Item:

Practice mindfulness meditation to practice being in the present moment.  Be mindful of any tendencies to practice mindfulness in a way that keeps you in your mind.  Experiment with different focal points including bodily sensations and emotions.

Please comment about your experiences in the private Facebook group or email me

Wishing you peace and love!